Thursday, October 27, 2011

Motherland Foundational "Soul"utions

After writing the previous post in regard to putting the microscope on poverty consciousness and the shift on globalization utilizing capitalism and its potential pitfalls on society in general; I went back to my days in college in my dorm room where I had a collection of prints hanging on my walls. The prints pretty much represented the 7 African principles which are also celebrated during the 7 days of Kwanzaa. I thought to my self what principles could we rely on during a golden age or during the precursor to a golden age which can present itself as extreme times of difficulty for the masses. In addition, I also thought about current times where if we "starved the system" to really help the powers that be understand the plight of the people, how could we possibly survive during such a protest.Better yet let's just say a worldwide cataclysm were to come about what principles could we fall back on to rebuild. A brotha will often go in and meditate and listen for messages or answers from the peace of Source within,fellow angels, and ascended masters. The vision of my old dorm room came to mind with those prints of the African principles on the wall. You see Africa is the Motherland and make no mistake about it and our Earthly mother's seemingly play a very instrumental roles in our lives in instilling principles so why not apply them to these time or to the aforementioned scenarios.

I want to revert back to the movie 2012 and if anyone noticed at the end when they displayed the map of the world after the cataclysm the last continent they showed was Africa still standing(Talk about subliminal). It's no wonder why so many of the African nations have been colonized by those who have seemingly seeked to exploit the continent and now even more so there is very much a renewed interest in investing in Africa by outsiders who may not actually have the current African people in mind. It's like we were conditioned to think this is the poor continent laced with arid land and couldn't be developed yet more and more outsiders are buying up the land by the leaps and bounds so what is it that they know that others may not. While this is not the primary point of this article I wanted to make light of this and I will highlight more in a soon to come post. Yet, I think many can see where I'm going with this....Right now I want to highlight the principles of ancestors( ascended masters) that helped communities thrive because there is a mindset that will more than likely need to be in place to survive our current and impending Earth changes.

The 7 African principles are these Kujichagulia, Ujamaa, Umoja, Ujima, Kuumba, and Imani. Below I will define these principles as and yes I did go back and do some research to attempt to define to the best of ability:

Umoja- (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.

Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together.

Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.

Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Kuumba (Creativity): To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

Imani (Faith): To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Another African principle or term which I've come across quite often in my studies and discussions with others is the term "Ubuntu" which means - Humanity to Others

What's inherent in these principles is that if applied on a Universal or Worldly scale they can be applied to all communities. In my previous post I mentioned the plight of disenfranchised comm unites and nations; couldn't some of these very principles be a solution to some of the strife that pervades in these communities or nations. How about reverence for these principles even by those who want to hoard the resources and not help the disenfranchised. We are now witnessing right before our very eyes a global collapse economically and in some cases spiritually. These principles embody the Spirit and its no coincidecne they are derived from the Motherland. Remember we call each other brother or sister because we all undeniably share GOD's DNA, the Spirit. So during a time where events on Earth are coming full circle wouldn't it make sense to shift towards these principles on a global scale. By no means is this some type of way of commercializing the principles but the World is struggling. In many ways the World has gotten away from them and greed and service to self has had such a long run and as a karmic result pain before glory will be our story. So if we decided to "starve the system" could these principles help us thrive? If we had to start over after a cataclysm would these principles help us survive? If we needed a new perception to help throttle the level of compassion in the World could these principles be a starting point? I will confidently go on the record and say emphatically "Yes!". The socio-economic factors we've been conditioned with combined with benign separation of races, cultures, classes, creeds, religion can easily drive us away from what I would consider fundamental principles to bring truth to the word "Ubuntu" where we seek to bring "Humanity to Others" through Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility,Cooperative Economics,Purpose,Creativity, and Faith in one another.

Trust I know we're not singing Kumbaya just yet but these are the ways of the Light and these are the ways of the Kemetic Love 360. Fundamentals and blueprints to solid civilizations once the commodity of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of civilizations that we can draw from right now in times of strife whether you are currently winning or not. In Soul Survivor Vol.1: Life is Poetry in the poem "Adversity" I speak to this with Eyes not yet on the prize but on the goal to attain the Commodities of Ancestors. The commodities weren't just simply natural resources or elements like Gold but very much speaking to certain principles. So do these principles only need to be revered during the holidays or are these principles foundations that the world can learn on to rebuild on? This is simply provocative thought to plant seeds. It will have to be a collective effort to find the most realistic of "soul" utions to carry them out. Remember it was always "Mind before Matter".

Peace & Love Family

-B. Poe

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Globalized Capitalism / Local Effects/ Awareness

Peace Family....Good Morning. Yesterday was a very reflective day for a brotha. I've always tried to stay up on current events and I've been watching and reading what's going on in the world especially from an economic standpoint. It's fair to say that people are suffering across the board except for that smaller percentage. I've also read reports over the past few months on how many recent self-made successful entrepreneurs have also felt the pinch, meanwhile there is a movement an almost forced global capitalism where many countries who were already disenfranchised especially African countries or where people of color reside never even really caught up to the old paradigm and are essentially being forced to accept the new paradigm without being placed on an even playing field.Don't we find it kind of interesting also that where people of color thrive often times they are sitting on some type of natural resource and the evil powers that be somehow are either meddling in these countries affairs or making some type of attempt to overthrow or make these leaders look like terrorist threats. Are these leaders wholeheartedly the problem or are they seeking to acquire the natural resources that they're sitting on such as oil or I don't know maybe some popular crops like opium. You do the math. What's inherent in the word "capitalism" is simply this one must capitalize on another in order to reap benefits. Hence the idea of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. If we could envision this last statement as the conclusion or the end result on the other side of the "=" sign in a math problem then there is something inherently wrong here. Does " the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" even equate to equality. Often times when individuals or groups bring Light to these disparities there are some who are quick to scream " you're a socialist!". Now really I mean really I never knew there was something wrong with shedding light on the hypocrisy of wanting a globalized world yet still attempting to implement capitalist principles.

Personally I will not knock any man/woman for seeking to attain wealth. In some of my previous comments on the social network I've stated, There's nothing wrong with attaining wealth Source has given you the ability to create it, share and give thanks. So then the counter argument may come where "I can't help if some people just want to be lazy. So when I think of this I automatically revert back to a quote I've come across which says "The difference between one man and another is not mere ability it is energy" by Thomas Arnold. The implications in this quote may be related to poverty consciousness. The struggles of poverty can be a damper on any man or woman's energy or spirit period. Now when you have that compounded with a lack of know how in order to rise up the "Hidden Ladder" like I spoke of in my Soul Survivor Vol. 1 as well as social welfare programs which serve to assist those who are struggling which are almost necessary in a "capitalist" society to help some people stay afloat in a cruel system. Yet, there is a hidden effect that many who benefit at the top may not always want to speak of or acknowledge and this is that many claim they can't stand these programs yet, simultaneously rely on them in order to keep the disenfranchised dependent upon them to further the gap. So yes you are giving a man only a piece of fish while putting up systematic socio-economic roadblocks for them to learn how to fish. So in essence instead of pushing for better education and handing some the keys to success so they can come up let's keep them dependent on these programs because otherwise we cannot capitalize on the disenfranchised and thus maintain the ever growing disparity of the rich get rich and the poor get poorer which obviously is now transcending race or cultures etc..Those who are already disenfranchised are feeling it more than those who have never even had a taste of poverty in their lives and are still trying to overcome the shock.

Let's go just a little bit deeper here where one can see the system was designed to capitalize on others or keep people down in simply looking at where public school education receives it's funding from here in the States. This funding comes primarily from property taxes. Look "governing bodies" we're on to you we get it. It's not a coincidence that the property taxes are lower or home values are lower in the disenfranchised communities. As a result the communities do not get the best of resources, inferior textbooks, underpaid teachers which seemingly results to an under-educated youth in these same communities with high illiteracy rates. If the right resources and connections aren't in place how can we remove this poverty consciousness which will in turn allow for one's energy and spirit to be filled abundantly within and will in turn allow for them to manifest what it is they need in order to thrive abundantly and leave that positive legacy for their families like those at the top already implement in their families. When you combine all of these other negative elements with the placement of guns and narcotics in these same communities of course people are going to use these as a means of economy to survive and put food on the table and because these areas are only but so big it lends itself to competition which in turn lends itself to territorial wars led by gun violence because the poverty consciousness has some abusing these narcotics to try and supplement that lack of energy temporarily so there is now a demand for these narcotics and quite frankly where there's a need there's always going to be a supplier. I'm referring to drugs like crack which is a byproduct of cocaine or heroine which is a by product of opium. In other countries people will use these drugs legitimately for things as small as healing a toothache or other types of pain relief. Yet when they deliberately manufacture by products for the decimation of people that's just plain wrong. This is the problem- reaction- solution I speak to. Create the deadly drug introduce it to a community you want to control and then pretend to provide a solution by proclaimimg a war on drugs and locking the people of the community behind bars. These insights were behind the writing of the poem "Quicksand Man" also in Soul Survivor Vol.1 : Life is Poetry. The ugliest outcome to this vicious cycle or formula is the use of the weapon in this forced competition which leads to the self-genocide of these communities. Now where there is killing, murder, and poverty there is also a high rate of imprisonment for those in these same communities especially among Black men. My Haitian brethren Wyclef in his song "Industry" has the hook that highlights all of this where it goes...

"Shots go off, mother's cry
Death since rise, homicide
Black on black crime needs to stop
Y'all can't blame it on hip hop
Cause what we say is what we see
What we see is reality
The ghetto's the ghetto you got them livin in sorrow
Soon they won't live to see tomorrow"

Now with the world economy on a decline soon this is not going to be the case for only disenfranchised people but this can actually become the state of the World when resources are scarce people will do what they have to do to survive. However if we can see the consequences of simply letting things go in this direction well in advance then we must do everything in our powers to prevent it as this is and was part of the evil agenda. Now to tie it all up one of my favorite poets Amiri Baracka has a line where he states "If capitalism don't kill me, racism will." Let's accept this for what it is because this is why many of my brethren will refer to these circumstances as " The Trap " which is not seen only here in America but worldwide.You know the deception of pushing the American dream to everyone knowing full well some may not have the fundamental resources to get there so they take "shorts" where they can to achieve it in a system where these very shortcuts are considered illegal. At the end of the day it is all what we consider a different grind relative to a community where some need to find ways to eat and put food on the table despite the circumstances. Yes free will is at play and you may not have to take that route but for some in a society where they find themselves as predicate felons where society will not hire for a legitimate job they are almost left with no choice and end up being eaten up by this vicious cycle like the "Quicksand Man" indeed being placed behind bars not being able to tend to the very families they were attempting to take care of in the first place.

Awareness of this as well as Loving everything yet belonging to none can very much be an antidote...Now it may not be the only way to eradicate these disparities but it's a Universal perspective that may even change the mindset of those who originally set forth this agenda and use their power to reverse it in a genuine fashion and if not the disenfranchised community will do it as a brotherhood or sisterhood regardless because we are in the season of Light and the awareness is ever present. Suffering to this magnitude should be a thing of the past You could only keep us in boxes but for so long. Spread the resources as truth be told the World will benefit from it through efficiency and Love as the drive

Now I know the question may come but B.Poe "What happened to us not using the excuse of being held down by "the man" in order to rise up?" My answer to this is that evidently some with icy hearts still don't get that some socio-economic systems have been put in place for divisiveness and straight up subliminal population control. Yes I'm speaking namely to these new movements like the 53% or the 1% who still show they could care less. So a message can be fluid and adapt to circumstances especially during a time where events are moving so rapidly. Also the man isn't just going after certain groups anymore, they're going after Humanity. The man isn't only an Earthly figure if you feel me as they operate above and below. So yes there will be times where a microscope will have to be placed on the plight of people so not only the people who are suffering are aware of what's going down but it also generates a sense of compassion from those that simply still don't get it in a world that's shifting globally because they just simply haven't walked in suffering shoes for that long and want to call others lazy. There is very much a psychological war in addition to spiritual war being fought here. In my next post I would like to speak to some principles from the Motherland that if they were put in place introduced on a worldly or Universal perspective then these disparities may actually be no longer or they can be at least minimized. Lastly, spiritually in the perpetual wheel we now understand that some are born into some circumstances for the experience yet on the cusp of a Golden age things are going to be different. Get familiar as shallow perceptions will be penetrated and faith and oneness is soon to be radiated. In this paradigm shift it is a beautiful start and we thank Source.

Peace & Love Family


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Truth Defined By Intuition

Good Morning Family like Wale song "Lotus Flower Bomb" The Secret of the Divine Feminine dropped and they seemingly weren't ready. When it dropped it also left many of us vulnerable and questioning things. I am making connections and doing my best to put the pieces together like on Prison Break because the enemy is crafty and play many sides because this can play out in so many ways (vision). I'm saying this and I'm putting it on the record this is not terrorism, by no means. A brotha is not speaking about guns as our writing hands, minds and tongues may be equally as sharp as knives especially when we know our power. I don't ever want them to say this is what is being promoted and they know it. Regardless we should not falter from the mission because I know GOD Source is holding us down and has our backs. Yesterday, I went in on my journal and I want to share with you some of the words Source and the messengers put on my Heart. Now you may very well see some things I've mentioned before yet, it's for reinforcement.

We must do our best to remove hate and anger from our Hearts. I've made light of icy hearts, yet we know there is a fire within a chamber in our Hearts where not a person, place, nor event can affect the fire within. We should encourage ourselves to not only understand our lifeplan, but to understand the meaning of our names in efforts to continue our incarnation assignments properly. I know my name means to Heal w/ Hands and it's no coincidence I write and another aspect of my name means to be a student while another aspect means Valley and what comes to mind is Although I walk in the valley of the shadow of death....etc.. my last name has to to w/ delivery or better yet deliverance.

There shall not be fear of death as the Spirit lives infinitely and in the coming months and maybe days there's a strong intuitive feeling more of the unknown phenomena of the Universe are about to be unveiled. Things such as time and space portals especially will be confirmed as well as the mysteries of buried Kingdoms and ruins as well as the lost worlds like the legendary Atlantis under water and wormholes which are also found under the sea as well as vortexes that lead to other dimensional gateways ( Bermuda Triangle) yeah that story. I've already mentioned that the 33 degree parallel is a spiritual multidimensional gateway. Picture a spaceship entering the lower edge of a triangle and then making a shoot up close to it's peek. Kind of like a pyramid huh =-) I know this for sure because I'm coming across comic books and even TV shows that are depicting my exact Life story well before they've even happened where as events that are happening now are being written about weeks before they take place. These wonders and abilities are all Creations of Source and they should no longer be withheld. After all the "religious" have been teaching us for quite some time that we should grow closer to GOD and have a relationship with Source. How else are we going to do so and unlock our full potential without knowing the Universe's capabilities and even then we won't know everything but this is what Ascension entails rising to that point where we return home and all is known.

Once we learn these unknowns and align them with our mission we should pursue it fearlessly as Source has provided a new season where what was once impediments are being removed and those that have carried the ugliest of agendas are being exposed, satellites falling from the Sky randomly. Crazy thing is even they too are rising with us and have an opportunity to have a relationship w/ Source on the perceived right side of things and move more towards the Light instead of serving complete darkness. I'm not kidding when I say Love 360 because even monsters need prayers. The way I look at it the more some of them move towards the Light the better the world will be. For example there were many who were once part of their sinister plots but have switched up and a classic example are the White Hats, that faction in the Pentagon that was said to have steered the wheel away from those who were trying to take advantage of events that were on the horizon and leave the rest of the world population behind.

We have help from above and they've been here for a while. When we saw all those random fireballs popping up out of the sky all over the world this was derived from the actions of our "Watchers" intercepting things produced by those with the sinister schemes. I know some get frustrated when I can't define who the sinister ones are because they are very crafty. For the TV enthusiast think Prison Break and V and The Event. Hollywood has always found ways to embed elements of truth in our reality. They are from different countries and different walks of Life. Basically recruiting soldiers that pretend to be maybe a normal corporate employee, your postal man and the list goes on. I'm not trying to produce a culture of fear here but more so the Awareness 360 I always speak to and use the Source given gifts of intuition and feeling peoples vibes and auras to know whether to mess w/ them or not or at least to what extent. If it doesn't feel right take flight or entertain at the level you feel within. This is essentially what I mean by first sign of a chip and I'm off like the races. I know some are still skeptical about my words which really aren't all original as no idea is original under the Sun and trying to figure out if I'm part of the plan or scheme and I want to tell you this wholeheartedly. I'm not. When they sent the anonymous letter about 5-6 years ago I never responded to it. Matter of fact I lost it moving. The letter was telling me all my gifts and all this other stuff that I've achieved in Life and it was a little scary at first I must admit but it also affirmed for me that they know the deal on most all of us. I ended up seeking the knowledge of self above and beyond what any current formal education I may have received. There are other connections I have made to affirm my mission and that's to help bolster Humanity w/ Humanity along with the other current Angel incarnates and bring Light to where there was once darkness that remained here on Earth and to help awaken the rest of the Truth soldiers who always knew in their Hearts what they needed to do and some already have been playing their part. Yes the post is long but continue to rock with me.

In the Spiritual sense Source is the Yin/Yang Dark/Light Male/Female however this season is unique where the Light is brought forth to dominate in the season of the Divine Feminine. To usher in the Golden Age for real is to embrace the Heart mind and traits and characteristics that we typically assign to women who are are known to have the capacity to be Compassionate, Caring, Loving and carry these traits. It's no wonder GOD made them the one's who carry the babies and do the most nurturing once they incarnate here on GAIA. Again listen, fellas I'm not here to push an agenda for men to feel that they should lose their masculinity, yet to grow comfortable w/ the waves of energy being sent now from the Divine Feminine to further the balance as it's one of those things where if we don't recognize it and realize what's taking place then Earth changes may be more impactful in a more negative way as opposed to positive because we simply aren't embracing the Light being brought forth to balance the Earth steadily while it shifts. This is why the Light is needed more than anything and to expose the ones that choose to only play with the dark. Remember it is with compassion and understanding that we can relate to our fellow man as well as to Source and the Universe and live by the Universal codes of I AM That I AM and I Am My Brothers Keeper which is the formula for source and embodies what Source had in mind for us all along in this Grand Experiment called Earth a variety playground where we all can Live as one peacefully to the best of our abilities. Like Jill said "One is the Magic Number" and on Earth the best way to accomplish this is by Loving everything yet belonging to none.

As for the most practical Spiritual advice for today grow comfortable w/ the energy centers and chakras within and seek help from a skilled practitioner to assist. The power of Source and intuition will guide each of us to the best one according to our needs( remember the Law of Attraction) It is with alignment of these energy centers that we help the Earth shift in a more gentle fashion and minimize as I've said before, the perceived storms of tomorrow and when they're aligned then the Light and vibrations shine brighter and our Armors are activated almost as if on auto pilot as we grow comfortable with our Spirit essences and the Light radiates throughout. The Light ends up like a natural force field which radiates 360 and becomes the Love 360 and with more Light in place here on Earth it helps us penetrate through darkness and the awareness 360 becomes a more natural activity and allows us to fight the remnants of what we always perceived to be evil without much effort in just shining in our Light. As I've said before a preparation of sorts for what good is a soldier of Source without armor and training.

To my Patriarchs and Matriarchs origin of civilization this may resonate. Let's show them how to do this Son/Sun. There's a reason we endured struggle for so long and it was in efforts to build the tolerance needed for this very moment and to practice patience and teach the World and those still with the icy Hearts to let them melt away so they can see truth for what it is some of us have been doing it all along and the whole reason for attempting to keep us under shackles was so that we could not serve our purpose. I'm watching TV and I'm seeing there's race debates going on right in the middle of OWS and their surprisingly civil...heated at times yet civil because we're not lumping each other up and we should commend that, but we also need those with the icy Hearts to believe. It's like a means of examining some our innermost fears and conditioning we've held for so long and confronting them wholeheartedly (catharsis) as usually the first step to any problem is admitting you have it. Some may say man why aren't you just direct and come out and say people of color or the one's without color white or black. The reason I may not always go there is so not to perpetuate the same divisions that have been instilled in us for so long. It is also what you refer to as "subconscious talk" where it speaks to the Spirit. So it may come off sublime but trust again w/ the Law of Attraction when you read the words it will resonate without having to put a physical aspect or label on it. Remember this: Source is not trying to win the physical yet he's trying to win the Soul and Hearts of Man/ Woman and the key to this is to open our Hearts and fully recognize that fire chamber within as this is where Soul resides and pumps throughout our body in blood, melanin, DNA which is all part of our derivation along with Spirit.( Yes we should accept that we are all derived from melanin) It is not a coincidence on this plane that when the Heart stops so does life as we know it here. Yet we now know for sure Spirit lives infinitely. So truth be told what do we really have to lose nothing. Life is Poetry screen for screen nothing really matters as inside you are pristine. Govern yourself accordingly while exercising your free will and we should stop teaching eternal damnation because then that contradicts the principle of GOD being a merciful GOD and is not aligned with the wheel of Life. It's not so much about perfection but doing your best to be on the positive side of things is a good path towards emerging to the Light and this is in our actions and the way we handle our emotions.

For those that think that this is simply an agenda to push my book. I want you to pay attention to my timeline or whatever other social network outlets I may have used. After a while I stopped promoting the book and just started to drop simply the keys because I figured if the keys are there all of that would fall into place by default. Yet my free spirit wanted to manifest itself in entrepreneurial ways. They say a man usually finds his true purpose on the road he took to avoid it and that is what I know my life embodied and I know others can relate. I for example set out on a few different paths simultaneously because I Understood the power of the portfolio of Life or the book of life some I struggled in and others a li'l bit more successful. When we look at some of who we revere as most successful leaders they all seemed to share some similar paths. Yet in the Bible and other religious books like the Qu Ran and Torah ( Books Of Universal Principle) As an example Christ said we should be a fisher of men's hearts (and yes this includes women) when his people went fishing and didn't catch any fish and it's in that we find the most success. This is a lesson for these times we are facing now as this is the key to our survival now. I'm not even all that well versed in the Bible but the Truth lies within regardless as it is Universal and for a while now it seems that any book I open seems to fill a gap where there were questions before and this is the successive pattern of growth.

As with any man I seeked to feed my family like anyone else while I attempted this journey and move towards my most authentic purposes, yet there is also the agenda of wanting to give back to the disenfranchised world and its no coincidence I incarnated again as a young Haitian a country that embodies struggle yet found a way to break free of chains by being aligned with Spirit and was brought back into strife and it's no coincidence that we are part of the people of the coerced African diaspora, the motherland. This was the driver for the evolution of my own perception and the motivation along with the Spirit guiding a brother as it guides all of us.I seek to leave a positive legacy for my family as we all are family yet there are just some of us truly struggling in a cold world that needed to be heated up with the Light of Truth so the plan was always to give back whether promoting from outside my book or utilizing proceeds from it and allocating it to those that need it most. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield spoke of this coming shift where people would now end up being compensated for teaching the truths of the Universe and to our relationship to Source and Nature and learn how to exercise their Source given gifts and in the Alchemist by Paul Coelho (no i never met them and have no affiliations yet these books helped me grow) we are in a period of turning lead into Gold w/in. The philosopher's stone comes with deep insight and thought which transforms perception for the better and makes for the best of manifestations. Our ancestors also spoke to this in the Book of the Dead which really speaks to having to go through a perceived hell in order to emerge into the Light, thus Heaven on Earth.

I'm not part of any "New World" agenda as that seemingly denotes conformity and goes against the "Love everything belong to none principle" which can also be likened to the Alpha & the Omega which finds its balance in The Now.I can tell you this, those that did hold that agenda seemed to know of these coming times and didn't want to let us know and they were going to try and run with the World and leave the rest behind or use it as a means to gain even more control. I remember the very moment when I finsihed the book and Spirit spoke and said add this "I never ask you to conform but to only listen and in the distance a Light shall glisten" from the poem Pathways of Expression. So now is our moment to reclaim the Glory of Source for all.

I encourage that we support all the truth and light movements that are currently taking place and pray that those that have been on the funny side of things move towards them and not resist so much and if its not your cup of tea or your thing than so be it. I don't promote judging the internal or external affairs of anyone but I find no harm in saying we got you regardless. I have just remembered a quote that came to mind once and it said " If the cause is noble and worthy of course I'll champion it" Notice how it doesn't say to necessarily belong yet to essentially cheer it on and this is why so many of these movements have transcended all colors or races etc..... These are the writings of my Soul family I promise you but the most interesting thing it's actually in all of us but we must wake up to see it. You know that cliche of "Soul Searching" and this is why I've said before you'll wonder, you'll relate however it's all innate and to go in until you see your Light of Origin. I often come across a sign and it says Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often and how can we argue with that. We can certainly acknowledge it's easier said than done yet this is the Soul training working to exercise the Peace of Source in you and a brotha still has work to do on this as well but it all can be done hand in hand. Remember that invasive surgery that we hold faith onto that will come with sutures for healing. Sounds like a good recipe for the term win-win. I may not post every day or comment everyday as I too have some repair to do within and with my family as you can imagine from the bomb dropped so a brotha may vibe high more often and keep the armor intact. Know this I'm working hard to move towards a greater good for all while keeping Source in Mind Body and Spirit and I encourage all to play their part moving with their passion. This is the economy of the Mind Driven by Hearts.

-Peace & Love Family

P.S. If you are looking for grammar than you are missing the point it's time to take an unconventional approach towards things intuition mixed with couter intution especially where the deep conditioning lies....Discernment.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

5 Star Poetry from Soul Survivor Vol.1: Life is Poetry - Walk w/ Me

Rising above Caribbean sized tides with pride
Hurricane pain
On My Campaign
Overcoming hiccups
Eyes not yet on the prize
But on the goal to attain the
Commodities of Ancestors
All things coming full circle
Round the circumference of clenched fists
Raised High
Celebration of achievements
Powerful figures in Spirit
Live infinitely
Cascading messages with purpose
We so persevere
Descendants of chosen tribes
Our time is near

Hidden Ladder
Moving on up
In my attempt to build a portfolio
In this ordeal called Life
You Know
Diversify, reallocate
Insurance for when
The conditions of mankind don't equate
No escape
No wonder me and economy fall under depression
If lucky recession
Proliferating regression
Bells sounds
At the end of sessions
Meaningless tickers move across the screen
It's no wonder wealth is hiding
From me

Not even a wrinkle in time could define
The ripple effect of neglect
A negative legacy abound
Desolate hope
A cry for help, the reverberating sound
Hurdles and Mounds
Some make it through the 100 meter dash
A rare instance
Those who traveled 300
Report stories of glory
Strides off the beaten path
Avoiding the trap
Perpetrators wrath
In a blood bath
I ask
Why not strive for the finish line
Deeply rooted in the Divine
Where they played games
Socrates took knowledge from those just South
DNA of man before the fall of Atlantis
Patriarchs and Matriarchs
Origin of civilizations
Wake up to 12
A piece of Salvation

The Cycle
In all efforts to succeed
I always went harder
On my physique was a Starter
Low key Colorado purple rocky
Funny how we used to sweat
off the hottest colors and
You my brother
Preference was a 3XL Goose
While in our grown man stage
It's off the same species
We get loose
Guidelines for a boost
A wise man once warned of a
Second childhood
So when we wear hoods we stifle the growth of
Heads being held high
First signs of maturity
Cast away the big logos
Washing away of insecurities
80's baby jewelry
Clearing room for blessings in Life's Lessons
Infant, Preteen, Adolescents
Influence of the occult
Tainted Adult
Wise senior citizen
The Cycle begins again

Fundamentals of Love
She brings me back to the
Fundamentals of Love
Where intrigue is valued and
The desire to satisfy curiosity
Sets the tone for a fine friendship
Or Courtship for that matter
As emotions scatter
Longing to be aligned
In a zone of comfort
Where Hearts heal with
Blissful rejuvenation
Gotta be the reason she smiles
Never a frown
From words spoken so emphatically
Their semantics profound
Even in the absence of physical interaction
I'm there when she's down
Only to bring her up
Sippin' from my cup of
Where there is more in store
'Cause my Angel eyes can't guarantee
Heartache will exist no more.