Thursday, October 27, 2011

Motherland Foundational "Soul"utions

After writing the previous post in regard to putting the microscope on poverty consciousness and the shift on globalization utilizing capitalism and its potential pitfalls on society in general; I went back to my days in college in my dorm room where I had a collection of prints hanging on my walls. The prints pretty much represented the 7 African principles which are also celebrated during the 7 days of Kwanzaa. I thought to my self what principles could we rely on during a golden age or during the precursor to a golden age which can present itself as extreme times of difficulty for the masses. In addition, I also thought about current times where if we "starved the system" to really help the powers that be understand the plight of the people, how could we possibly survive during such a protest.Better yet let's just say a worldwide cataclysm were to come about what principles could we fall back on to rebuild. A brotha will often go in and meditate and listen for messages or answers from the peace of Source within,fellow angels, and ascended masters. The vision of my old dorm room came to mind with those prints of the African principles on the wall. You see Africa is the Motherland and make no mistake about it and our Earthly mother's seemingly play a very instrumental roles in our lives in instilling principles so why not apply them to these time or to the aforementioned scenarios.

I want to revert back to the movie 2012 and if anyone noticed at the end when they displayed the map of the world after the cataclysm the last continent they showed was Africa still standing(Talk about subliminal). It's no wonder why so many of the African nations have been colonized by those who have seemingly seeked to exploit the continent and now even more so there is very much a renewed interest in investing in Africa by outsiders who may not actually have the current African people in mind. It's like we were conditioned to think this is the poor continent laced with arid land and couldn't be developed yet more and more outsiders are buying up the land by the leaps and bounds so what is it that they know that others may not. While this is not the primary point of this article I wanted to make light of this and I will highlight more in a soon to come post. Yet, I think many can see where I'm going with this....Right now I want to highlight the principles of ancestors( ascended masters) that helped communities thrive because there is a mindset that will more than likely need to be in place to survive our current and impending Earth changes.

The 7 African principles are these Kujichagulia, Ujamaa, Umoja, Ujima, Kuumba, and Imani. Below I will define these principles as and yes I did go back and do some research to attempt to define to the best of ability:

Umoja- (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.

Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together.

Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.

Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Kuumba (Creativity): To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

Imani (Faith): To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Another African principle or term which I've come across quite often in my studies and discussions with others is the term "Ubuntu" which means - Humanity to Others

What's inherent in these principles is that if applied on a Universal or Worldly scale they can be applied to all communities. In my previous post I mentioned the plight of disenfranchised comm unites and nations; couldn't some of these very principles be a solution to some of the strife that pervades in these communities or nations. How about reverence for these principles even by those who want to hoard the resources and not help the disenfranchised. We are now witnessing right before our very eyes a global collapse economically and in some cases spiritually. These principles embody the Spirit and its no coincidecne they are derived from the Motherland. Remember we call each other brother or sister because we all undeniably share GOD's DNA, the Spirit. So during a time where events on Earth are coming full circle wouldn't it make sense to shift towards these principles on a global scale. By no means is this some type of way of commercializing the principles but the World is struggling. In many ways the World has gotten away from them and greed and service to self has had such a long run and as a karmic result pain before glory will be our story. So if we decided to "starve the system" could these principles help us thrive? If we had to start over after a cataclysm would these principles help us survive? If we needed a new perception to help throttle the level of compassion in the World could these principles be a starting point? I will confidently go on the record and say emphatically "Yes!". The socio-economic factors we've been conditioned with combined with benign separation of races, cultures, classes, creeds, religion can easily drive us away from what I would consider fundamental principles to bring truth to the word "Ubuntu" where we seek to bring "Humanity to Others" through Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility,Cooperative Economics,Purpose,Creativity, and Faith in one another.

Trust I know we're not singing Kumbaya just yet but these are the ways of the Light and these are the ways of the Kemetic Love 360. Fundamentals and blueprints to solid civilizations once the commodity of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of civilizations that we can draw from right now in times of strife whether you are currently winning or not. In Soul Survivor Vol.1: Life is Poetry in the poem "Adversity" I speak to this with Eyes not yet on the prize but on the goal to attain the Commodities of Ancestors. The commodities weren't just simply natural resources or elements like Gold but very much speaking to certain principles. So do these principles only need to be revered during the holidays or are these principles foundations that the world can learn on to rebuild on? This is simply provocative thought to plant seeds. It will have to be a collective effort to find the most realistic of "soul" utions to carry them out. Remember it was always "Mind before Matter".

Peace & Love Family

-B. Poe

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