Sunday, November 20, 2011

Spiritual Warfare Account~Integrating The Dark and The Light~ Ties to Noah's Ark

I saw Watchers in my Vision, the dream -vision. Two men were fighiting over me....holding a great contest over me. I asked them, "Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?" They answered, "We have been empowered and rule over all mankind." They said to me, 'Which of us do you choose to rule you?" I raised my eyes and looked. One of them was terrifying in his appearance, like a serpent, his cloak, many colored yet very dark....And I looked again, and in his appearance, his visage like a viper....I replied to him, "This watcher, who is he?" He answered, "This Watcher...his three names are Belial and Prince of Darkness and King of Evil." I said to the other Watcher, " My lord, what dominion have you?" He answered, "You saw the viper, and he is empowered over all Darkness, while I am empowered over all Light...My three names are Michael, Prince of Light and King of Righteousness.

The above depiction was said to be had in the Bible by Melchizedek whom in the esoteric tradition is also Noah.In the the above account isn't it interesting that we are in the final midst of spiritual warfare or spiritual battle during these times. The watchers are actually Angels sent by Source to "watch" over Humanity with both the dark and the light playing their part. Many people I've come across have stated they've had a similar dream or vision and I know for sure I did when I was but a teen. It felt too real as I felt them tugging on my body while laid up in the bed. In the end the one that rocked with the Light won. We are in times right now where we know there is a spiritual battle being fought above and below between the Light and Darkness of the world. It is said that Source gave rein to darkness for a period of time, yet even they know their time is up and are doing all they can to hold onto power. Yet, Source/GOD is the Creator of both the dark and the light, yin/yang, and what we perceive to be good and bad.

I won't harp too much on what's good and bad because in this world we Ascend through experiences as this is a Soul experience more than anything else and we chose to come here during these times before we incarnated. In social commentary I've said "Even before conception I was King, came downtown to get down only to rise back up floating on experiences." This is how it works Kings and Queens =-) the choice was made before the Council of Light. The religious will call certain experiences "sin". I say it was a moment in the darkness but this is what integrating your dark and light means. When one understands the perpetual wheel and karmic cycle you will know Source is indeed merciful like the "religious" will(on the surface) tell you and you will have a return to the Light ultimately without this fear of being banished to Hell. This notion of Hell used to drive me crazy when I was in the church. I could not stand hearing this fear based indoctrination. As I've said before govern yourself accordingly with the Love 360 and Awareness 360 and all shall be well. Again, the Light can be activated by keeping your heart space open and aligning the chakras to activate the merkabah. Yet, remember we all fall from a "perceived" grace at times, it's part of this Earth experiment. Don't sweat it. Rise back up like the phoenix and exercise the Peace of Source in you.

Everyone pretty much knows the story of Noah's ark where Noah was called by Source to gather his family and certain animals, vegetation, and other resources of the Earth to carry onto the ark in efforts to survive an impending cataclysm or Earth changes and shifts. They speak to the Ark as being a boat that stood afloat during the flooding and the storms, yet couldn't this family be likened to Humanity staying afloat during all these earth changes taking place such as the earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, monsoons etc... In addition to all the governmental, changes shifts in economy, rise in famine and poverty, etc...On a positive note the ark may be seen as a bridge for Humanity to cross over in to the next golden age or paradigm shift. In the poem "The 33rd" from Soul Survivor Vol.2 : The Rising Son this is somewhat portrayed where it states, "The battle was fought on the 33rd, dogon, so we lick wounds to come home after the monsoon...". Where the 33rd represent that spiritual multidimensional gateway on the 33rd parallel to facilitate fighting above and below although it's being fought worldwide. Dogon refers to the tribe out of Mali, Africa who acknowledge our derivations from an extraterrestrial source namely the Sirius star system. In addition the resources that he was instructed to bring were essentially Source's way of reminding us of what is truly important in our lives. Make no mistake we are moving towards a Golden Age of Light with the inner alchemy at its finest turning Souls into gold. The less fear the more things will be clear. Darkness is falling and they know it, while Humanity and the Earth are rising closer to Source.

The gist of the article was to simply give an account of the Spiritual warfare I or other spiritual messengers may speak to, especially now, and tie it into our current experiences as many are feeling "tested" during tough times. No Bible thumping or trying to indoctrinate as this was actually derived from the Book of Enoch. Yeah those important pieces of information that was left out of the Bible. Hopefully you can see why. So many want to tell you you're hell bound when all a brotha can do is just smirk when he hears this. Yeah you may re-incarnate back here on Earth or to another sphere but you're not going to be on fire. Those that rock with pure dark already know who they are, and if you think I'm speaking to Black Magic you're buggin' because we know that "Black" Magic was a negative connotation put on a real connection to Source and Spiritual work. Evil magic does exist but that's at the hands of the one who practices. Remember a gun doesn't go off without a trigger finger. You decide, we call it free will. Pow! Regulators (Angels and Souls of Light) Mound Up! lol(just threw that in there for some irony) Also as Above, so Below is the best way to sum up what's going on here as what goes on in the Heavens is a mirror reflection of what's going on here on Earth. The closer to Source within you the better.

Peace & Love Family

-B. Poe

P.S. I want to leave you with this quote: "So when I dream of lovely things and feel the peacefulness they bring. I know that angels blessed my sleep and brought memories to keep.
-Betty Lou Hebert

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